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So .Net are holding their netawards 2007.

Obviously they need a web site, and since they have done a recent article with a 3ev about the Chemical Brothers site, they seemed a good choice.

All is fine so far.

The voting/awards site that the agency built ( uses an accordion style menu.

Now it starts to go wrong.

With the huge number of freely available javascript libraries and plug ins for menus like this, including mootools, jQuery and scriptaculous, they surely could have built one that is accessible and worked without javascript.

But oh no, even though the site is for .Net magazine, advocates of unobtrusive, accessible and usable design, and despite an article with 3ev bigging themselves up, they still produce this poor excuse for Web 2.0 functionality.

Please guys (I’m talking to you 3ev!), if you are going to produce a site for a high profile industry mag and promote yourselves in that mag, at least make some effort to abide by the beliefs the mag promotes and you yourselves claim to hold high.

And entering that random text is annoying, enough to stop me voting in all categories and only voting for jQuery in the innovation category.