IE is the debbil!!

2006-06-28 15:43:57 +0000

After taking over one of the websites in my new job, I found a bug in IE 6, which did not appear in IE 5.5 (apparently it is possible for Microsoft to get worse) where when a main div was separated into columns anything in the columns was not displayed. After hours of searching and messing with the CSS a colleague suggested setting a width for the div in which the columns lived. IT WORKED! Such a simple solution after hours of searching was both satisfying but also very annoying.

In summary, will someone please sort out the IE developers…


2006-06-27 11:42:44 +0000

Tis strange, jumping from Web Dev back down to HTML – er, but also shows that I know a lot less than I thought already. Well, not to worry as I”ll be back on line on a permanent basis from in 5 – 7 working days, as long as PlusNet are better than Demon. Hopefully they are.

Then back to the sad ol” world of being a geek. At least the money”s good.

Why do they hassle me!

2006-06-22 17:42:53 +0000

Is it because I am good and ended up doing a big site cheaper than it should have been? Or is it because I am a mug that gives in and does every request people give me!!

It’s my last 2 days at work here in the North East, they should be easy days! Without big expectations! Thing is I know that everyone that has been given my mobile number is going to keep ringing me even after I leave, as I”m the one that gets things done. Damn them!


2006-06-20 15:40:09 +0000

Gyro International LogoThe Job I really wanted at GYRO. Fantastic News for me! Also saved me the hassle of temping and doing stuff that I didn”t really want to just to pay the rent. But now that this has come along then I can get on with learning proper web dev and become the best! Hoorah!!